Asahina Karigane, Stem Tea from Gyokuro; Asahina, Shizuoka, 50g -2024 SHINCHA

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Asahina Karigane - 2024 Shincha (New Harvest Tea), Stem Tea of Gyokuro, 50g
Origin: Asahina Valley, Okabe City, Shizuoka Prefecture
Cultivar: Yabukita
The Asahina Valley in Okabe City produces fine shaded teas such as Gyokuro and Kabuse Sencha. Karigane refers to kuki-cha (stem tea) made specifically from the stems of Gyokuro, whereas "kukicha" may refer to stem tea from sencha, or houjicha (houji-kukicha.) Infuses to a deep golden-green in the first infusion. The flavor and aroma are grassy with a slightly sweet finishing note. Full-bodied, but with very low astringency and lower caffeine content than sencha or gyokuro. More delicate and slightly sweeter than regular kukicha.

Try this together with our Asahina Gyokuro from the same region! This tea is also great cold-infused during the hot summer months!

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